mark frith

Mark’s work invites the viewer to consider the connection between the materials he uses and the landscape they have come from. Climate and topography govern the physical nature of such environments, in which most changes occur very gradually, though some happen all at once. Our own experience of inhabiting these landscapes is usually fleeting and dependent on circumstance. Mark evaluates this ebb and flow through sculptures that contain the immediacy of a chisel cut or change in the light alongside the deep course of geological time. Mark’s extensive travels have led to a keen interest in palaeography and the composition of letter forms.

In 1983, after studying at City and Guilds of London Art School, Mark became an apprentice to Richard Kindersley FRBS. He now teaches in the carving department at City and Guilds and is Secretary of Letter Exchange, an association dedicated to preserving, promoting and developing expertise in the lettering arts.

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